Today I undertake a difficult path, a path that unfortunately, so many others who preceded me have had to take: the path of exile

Today I undertake a difficult path, a path that unfortunately, so many others who preceded me have had to take: the path of exile.

I cannot hide the profound sadness that I feel at leaving so many people that I love, and that I love so much. So many shared struggles during so many years with people who are moved by a single objective: to change the society that we live in. To make it more just. Decent people. To leave the land that has surrounded me since my childhood, to walk in the cities in which I have lived…

I feel sadness, but it would have been much sadder to have lived in silence. To feel that my freedom of expression was censored by courts that intimidate and that apply political criteria without pause. Every day, every hour I have felt my freedom limited by arbitrary judicial threats. I did not feel free. I did not recognize myself. During the last few weeks I have lived in an internal prison.